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    The Next You Online Learning >> A Unique Learning Experience

    Purpose Kit >> Begin & End with Purpose

    Transition Kit >> The Science of Our Time

    Next You Book >> Your Formula for Success

    Is This Finally Your Time…?


    There comes a time in everyone’s life when he or she realizes there has to be more…greater success, deeper & more meaningful relationships…more abundance and happiness…more meaning and fulfillment. Is this your time to transition into something more?


    …To Become Who You Were Meant To Be?


    You were born with a unique purpose & mission, and there is a path to take you there. Chances are you have been disconnected from that purpose for far too long. It’s not too late to get back on your path and reconnect to your purpose that will propel you forward toward the real fulfillment you have been seeking. Are you ready to become the person you were meant to be?


    Would You Like A Map & Compass To Support You Along The Way?


    Do you know where you are going? What your next steps are? Regardless of your destination there is a proven system that offers you the map and compass and provides the guidance you need every step of the way. Are you ready?… or do you prefer to continue going it alone?


    Would You Like To Experience More Outer Success and Inner Fulfillment?


    You’ve heard it said “It’s about the journey not the destination”. So how is your journey so far? Have you achieved material success and yet still feel empty inside? Or have you found inner peace, but are financially challenged? Experiencing integration is possible.


    Transitions The Next You Online


    What’s At The Core Of Transitions: The Next You?

    The GoInnovate! System


    The GoInnovate! System is a tool-kit designed to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. It is a proven method, used by over 250,000 people around the world for more than 30 years.

    It will help you: Deepen your awareness of yourself and your environment Focus your attention on what is most important Guide you in making healthy choices Direct your actions to be in alignment with your commitments.


    A Summary of What You’ll Receive

    Course 1: Science of Transition Transitions are all around us, affecting our professional and personal lives in countless ways. The good news is that transition is a science, which can be learned and mastered, as in learning a language. The bad news is that we resist transitions, and want to keep everything the same, no matter how frustrating and futile things have become. The Lessons in this Course include: Transitions Slices-of-Life The GoInnovate! System

    Course 2: Core Skills for Transition In this Course, The Core Skills of Transition, you will explore your own personal competencies at transition. You’ll learn what to expect during your own “hero’s journey”, as you encounter obstacles and discover your inner strengths. Each transition is unique, but there are certain universal aspects that apply to everyone. You will learn how the three GoInnovate! Principles can be used as powerful guides during your journey. Principles Skills  Overview Creativity Openness Intuition Courage Identity

    Course 3: Thinking Process for Transition In this course, The Thinking Process for Transition, we will do a quick review of systems thinking and the GoInnovate! System, which is designed to give you a greater understanding of both yourself and the world in which you live. You’ll also explore the eight Slices-of-Life, those key areas of your life in which transitions take place. You’ll learn about how to be more creative and the difference between creativity and innovation. Cycle Overview Purpose Ideal Future Measures Strategies Projectize Orchestrate

    Course 4: Navigation Tools for Transition In this course, The Navigation Tools for Transition, you will explore your outer environment, the Context, and learn how its five elements – People, Structure, Processes, Technology and Finance – influence you and your transitions. These dynamic factors are always affecting your outcomes, and are especially powerful during times of change. You’ll learn how to create strategic plans in each of these areas, so that you can align these Elements to support your transition, rather than being controlled by them. Context Overview People I People II Structure Processes Technology Finance

    This value of Over $1295 Is yours for only…an investment of $495.
    Register Now And We’ll See You On The Road to Greater Success.


    Transitions The Next You Online


    Transitions: The Next You Offers You So Much More

    Transitions: The Next You Online Program Includes:

    Personal assessments, on-demand videos, interactive multi-media presentations, presentation audios, & tools. 

    …Your results are guaranteed. 

    Reach financial freedom, reduce conflict & stress, find the career meant for you. Draw new and supportive friends. Experience optimal health & fitness. Learn to love yourself and others. Experience the joy of service and giving back. Plus, you’ll receive tools for journaling, introspection and meditation.


    Refund Policy This is a proven program that has been tested and refined over the last 30 years, guaranteed – because more than 250,000 around the world got results. However if for some reason you find within the first 30 days that TNY isn’t working for you, simply communicate to us with integrity, and we’ll promptly issue a full refund. If you decide after 30 days and less than 60 days that the TNY program is not for you, let us know and we will promptly issue a 50% refund. After 60 days the program becomes non-refundable.


    How Will Your Choice Impact The Rest Of Your Life?


    You now have a choice. A choice only you can make. A choice that can and will alter the course of your life. And in this defining moment it is likely there is a familiar voice trying to stop you from making the right choice, just as it has stopped you in your life so many times before.


    This is the voice of fear.


    Yet there is another voice. When you allow yourself to become calm you can hear it’s whispers. This voice comes from a place deep inside of you. A place that knows the truth about who you really are and why you’re here. When you listen to this voice the choice you now must make will become crystal clear.

    This is the voice of intuition

    Make The Intuitive Choice For Yourself and Register Now


    Transitions The Next You Online